commission work

The Master of The Worshipful Company of World Traders 2016-2017 commissioned me to design and craft a pair of silver wine goblets, as a gift to present his gratitude for his time as the Master.

As shown in the images one of the commissioned goblets has a larger capacity, this is an identification sign that this is for red wine, allowing the wine to react with the air, meaning the smaller capacity goblet is for white wine.

The goblets have an exquisite gold finish on the inside, a band surrounds the neck of the stem adding a dazzle of sparkle and quality, preventing the taste of the silver from penetrating into the wine. The gorgeous hand-enameled crest was outsourced.

For more information about the event that these goblets were presented please click here for more information.  

Design Work


I had several meetings with my client and was given a brief to work with and a budget. This allowed me to create designs that were appropriate to the brief.

I started with some basic shape sketches and then developed them into more detailed sketches like the ones above. I wanted to have a range of designs that allowed my client to choose which one they liked the most and also that would push me with my making skills.